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  • 1. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。

    Hello! I'm Anna. I have a big and happy family. My grandpa and grandma are over sixty years old. They are old and funny. They like eating tomatoes and eggs. My father Smith is a driver. He is tall and strong. He is a little fat. My mother Alice is a doctor. She is nice and kind. Her favourite colour is orange. And her favourite drink is milk. My sister Jane is 5 years old. She likes potatoes and fish. Her favourite drink is apple juice. I'm a pupil. My favourite food is salad and rice. And maths is my favourite.

    1. (1) Anna is Jane's ________.
      A . friend B . teacher C . sister
    2. (2) Anna likes to eat________ best.
      A . fish B . salad C . potatoes
    3. (3) Anna's grandparents are __________ .
      A . old B . fat C . strong
    4. (4) Anna's father is a __________.
      A . teacher B . doctor C . driver
    5. (5) _________ is Anna's favourite.
      A . Orange B . Apples C . Eggs