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        Do you know the poem Song of the Great Wind? Its 1 is Liu Bang, who was the first emperor of the Han Dynasty (206BC- 220AD). Born into a 2 farmer's family, Liu didn't go to school for long, but he still wanted to do something 3. In his thirties, he became a village official. In his forties, he became the leader of an army. In his fifties, he became the emperor. During all these years, he 4many difficulties and won many wars. His life was exciting and successful, just as his poem Song of the Great Wind shows us. Liu wrote this poem when he went back to his hometown 5 an emperor. During a meeting, Liu remembered the old days and felt sad. He read this poem aloud for all to hear.

    A . reader B . special C . writer
    A . big B . poor C . rich
    A . great B . good C . interesting
    A . had B . met C . overcame
    A . like B . as C . for