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当前位置: 小学英语 / 小学英语 / 深港朗文版 / 六年级上册 / Unit 6 Famous stories
  • 1. 从第二栏中选择与第一栏相对应的答句。

    (1) What did you do last Sunday ?       A. Yes, I did.

    (2)Where did Mike go ?               B. I wanted to ask him a question.

    (3)Did you watch a film yesterday ?       C. I made new clothes for my doll.

    (4)Where were you last night ? D. I was in Nancy's house.

    (5)Why did you call him ?             E. He went to the park .

    (6)How many signs can you see?         F. I can.

    (7)Can you see those paper? G. No.I can't.

    (8) Who can read the words?          H. Seven.