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当前位置: 小学英语 / 小学英语 / 深港朗文版 / 五年级上册 / Unit 8 Revision
  • 1. 阅读短文,选择正确答案

        Do you like playing football? Do you like Beckham(贝克汉姆)and Messi(梅西)? We only have seven members in our football team. We need three good football players and a goalkeeper. Then you can be in our football team.Join(加入) our football club.Please call Li Ming at 622-3456.

    1. (1) How many players do they need?

      A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
    2. (2) Beckham is from ________.

      A . China B . England C . Japan
    3. (3) We have ________ members in our football team.

      A . ten B . seven C . nine
    4. (4) What's the meaning of “football club”?

      A . 足球队 B . 足球迷 C . 足球俱乐部
    5. (5) Please call Li Ming at ________.

      A . 633-3465 B . 622-3456 C . 611-2345