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当前位置: 小学英语 / 综合 / 情景交际
  • 1. 选择正确的答语。

    ⑴How many pens are there in the bag?     A. They are peaches.

    ⑵What are these?                                         B. Thirteen pens.

    ⑶Let's go to the farm.                                  C. It's three.

    ⑷What's the time?                                       D. I'll go to the zoo.

    ⑸Is he a naughty child?                               E. I'm washing apples.

    ⑹What are you doing?                                F. OK.

    ⑺What will you do this weekend?              G. Yes, he is.

    ⑻Will she pick lots of apples?                     H. No, she won't.

    ⑼What's thirty plus twenty?                        I. Yes, they will.

    ⑽Will they come and have breakfast?        J. It's fifty.