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  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    There's no doubt about it: math is tough. Use these tips and tricks during school, and you can make math a lttle less confusing and have a higher chance of success.

    Build up your skills while having some fun!You can get computer games

    online or download apps on your phone to play games on the go. Try sites like Polyup, a calculator-based math game for more advanced high school and college students.

    Set a study schedule for yourself and try to review your math problems for 15 to 20 minutes per day (or more if a test is coming up). Review math concepts; do math in your head; refer to your note cards. Your skills will build up over time with not that much effort on your part!

    Writing it all out can help you spot mistakes. As you work through a problem, use a .pencil to write out what you did and how you did it .Showing your work can also help you check your answers on homework and test problems.

    Learning by teaching someone is a great way to solidify concepts. Invite a friend or family member over and explain to them what you're doing and how you're doing it. If you get stuck, review your notes or textbook. Have your friend or family member ask you questions, too.

    A. Review your notes from time to time.

    B. Practice makes perfect, and math is no exception.

    C. Try to answer them as best you can to really practice.

    D. There are tons of resources for math students out there.

    E. Look for online games that match your age and education level.

    F. As a result, a lot of people struggle with math at some point in their lives.

    G. Some teachers require you to show your work anyway, so it's worth the trouble.