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当前位置: 初中英语 / 初中英语 / 牛津译林版 / 七年级上册 / Unit 3 Welcome to our school
  • 1. 根据对短文理解,选择答案。

          English people like talking about weather in different places. When two English people meet, they often talk about the weather after saying hello.

          In England, it often rains, so the weather is wet. When people go to work in the sunny morning, they may go home from work in the rain. They mind more about the weather in the streets, offices, on the buses, trains or at home.

          If you visit England, you can really feel the changeable weather there. People can have summer in winter or have winter in summer. Sometimes, people can have four seasons in one day. So people have to change their clothes with the weather. English people are interested in everyday weather. English people think you are friendly and polite if you talk about weather with them. Talking about the weather is a good way to talk with English people.

          Talking about the weather should be the first thing you should remember when you visit England.

    1. (1) Two English people may start their conversation with "___________".

      A . It's a nice day, isn't it? B . Where are you going? C . What are you doing now? D . How is your job?
    2. (2) Why are English people interested in everyday weather?

      A . The weather in England is very changeable. B . They must learn to talk about the weather. C . It's a good start to talk about the weather every day. D . They talk about weather in many places.
    3. (3) What does "changeable" mean in the third paragraph?

      A . 不同的 B . 易变的 C . 倒霉的 D . 恶劣的
    4. (4) It's good for people to start a conversation with the ___________ in England.

      A . job B . money C . family D . weather
    5. (5) Which of the following is NOT true?

      A . There is a lot of rain in England. B . English people mind more about weather. C . England has four distinct seasons. D . Weather is the first subject of a talk in England.