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  • 1. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。

        Lauren watched the Smiths putting their bags into their car. They were on their way to Florida for a vacation. It was Lauren's 1 to go on a vacation like them.

        "What's up, Lauren?" her brother Mark asked.

        "I'm wishing my 2 was Smith. Then I'd be on my way to Florida. Look at 3 dog. He is also going along for the trip, but I'm not."

        "4 feeling sorry for yourself (你自己). You know Mom and Dad are 5 ," Mark said.

        The blue car soon 6 and took the Smiths to paradise (天堂).

        Dad came out and sat down." I think I could rearrange (重新安排) my work and take a long weekend. We couldn't go anywhere (任何地方) 7 like Florida, but we could go to Cape May. It's only about three 8 ride from here."

    Lauren knew he was doing this for her." Is it really okay with your 9 ?"

    Dad said, "I was kind of wishing I could go with the Smiths, too. Because of you I know how much I need a 10 trip."

    "It sounds like an excellent trip," Lauren said.

    A . habit B . show C . dream
    A . first name B . last name C . friend
    A . our B . your C . their
    A . Keep B . Start C . Stop
    A . free B . busy C . noisy
    A . left B . stayed C . turned
    A . hot B . cold C . far
    A . minutes' B . hours' C . days'
    A . study B . work C . problem
    A . bad B . long C . real